Thursday, May 03, 2007

HOTEL or not HOTEL; that is the question!

Well what is the best way to categorize providers of accommodation?
This question is being asked due to the on going implementation of the new harmonisation standards and the effect these standards are having with regard to the word HOTEL.

Yes HOTEL, when is a HOTEL not a HOTEL?

According to Visit Britain and the AA when you are not listed as a HOTEL in their inspection scheme, you are then called an Accommodation Provider.

So the end result will undoubtedly be making thousands of establishments in the Accommodation Provider scheme with HOTEL in their name remove this name from the property, letterheads, websites etc...

Unless those affected write into the powers that be and put their argument forward!

So if your one of the ones affected and are unhappy write in and send a copy to your local trade bodies of which you are members and get them to put your objections forward in a further letter from the trade body.

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