Had a bet this week that I could get an email from number 10 downing street!
It won me a tenner! :)
Here is how I did it;
go to trendy tony's website, yeah I'm really in touch with society
Think of something that is likely to be rejected, possibly something whitty.
Press send, and then got tap your mate up for the tenner! :)
Copy of email below!
Though this has a serious side, it does enable us as citizens to register our concerns directly, though one of my favourites over Christmas was "we the undersigned petition the prime minister to release a Christmas Record"
I'm sorry to inform you that your petition has been rejected.
Your petition was classed as being in the following categories:
* Intended to be humourous, or has no point about government
If you wish to edit and resubmit your petition, please follow
the following link:
You have four weeks in which to do this, after which your
petition will appear in the list of rejected petitions.
Your petition reads:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to: 'Provide
every person of 70 years of age with a Grey Squirrel'
They are very useful for jobs around the house; I managed to
get my piano upstairs with my grey squirrel last week; mind you
I had to use a whip! But the brave little fellow did manage to
get all the way up two flights of stairs. I think this is a
super idea for keeping these little grey ASBO rascals from
harrasing the cute red squirrels!
-- the ePetitions team
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