I caught three real good waves and my new surf friend Hayley (as you are supposed to have a surf buddy as part of the first rules of safety) was real real brave in to face of a 15ft rouge that met her head on!
Instead of coming out of the water shook up and shaking, she came out with a big smile on her face :). REAL BIG RESPECT!! It was only her second time out on a sponge.
So if your living in Scarborough and can't find anything to do pop down to your local surf shop (we have 4 now!) hire some kit and try it out, or even book some lessons!
Also big respect to the person in the bay yesterday near the lighthouse when that large 20ft wave came into the bay, I am lucky to be able to watch the bay from the comfort of my kitchen window with central heating and a large cup of honey tea.
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